The Cenote Ring (work in progress)

This project investigates the symbolism, history, and myths surrounding the underground bodies of water forming the cenote ring in Yucatan, Mexico. It addresses the complexities and tensions of belief systems and worldviews by connecting the historical significance of this geological feature, created by an asteroid impact, with contemporary societal issues such as consumerism, expansion, speed, and resource accumulation amid an ecological crisis.

The project shifts across painting, performance, moving image, and installation. It is accompanied by an immersive sonic, sound design inspired by natural cycles, collapse, and grief developed through field recording and playing real-time API near-earth object data, generative and granular synth techniques as well as score and sound design in full Spatial Audio created by Bon Music Vision. The performance provokes thought and dialogue about our interaction with natural environments, the historical manipulation of resources, and the overarching themes of creation, destruction, and renewal.


La Loca